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Transformative Climate Advocacy

The Transformative Climate Advocacy Program is an online learning journey that explores the interior dimensions of people’s engagement with climate change—worldviews, beliefs, emotions and mindsets. Including those of change-makers, ourselves, while also expanding and empowering us!

The program integrates theory, transformative practice and application creating a community of change agents and opening up new inner and outer horizons.

Research in psychology and worldviews helps us understand not only what people believe about climate change but why they believe it and how they see themselves as agents of change (or not). Understanding this helps us to navigate values-based conflicts and design solutions that speak to the motivations of different communities.

Additionally, engaging with our own psychological and spiritual development helps us to show up in fuller ways. That supports us to work with emotions of grief, anger and denial as doorways. This deepens our impact, awakens us to generative futures for all of life and supports new ways of approaching change work.

The program includes contributions from experienced climate change agents who integrate interior development in their work, and it includes embodiment and awareness practices, and collaborative learning and inquiry.

This program, while focusing on climate and planetary sustainability, will benefit advocates and change-makers in any field!